seminars and conferences
Seminar Speaker, Intraday farm productivity bonuses and their peer effects: Evidence from a field experiment. Center for Economic Institutions at Hitotsubashi University, August 2024.
Seminar Speaker, Intraday farm productivity bonuses and their peer effects: Evidence from a field experiment. Kobe Univeristy, Graduate School of Economics, August 2024.
Conference Speaker. When do people donate? The impact of events and media on military donations during Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. 99th Annual WEAI, Seattle, WA, June 2024.
Conference Speaker, When the pickings are good: Estimating the dynamic effects of pay for performance for workers in the field, LACEA/LAMES Annual Meeting 2023 Bogotá, Colombia, 11/15/23
Invited Speaker, What Works? Exploring Solutions for Water Conservation in Agriculture, World Bank's Office of the Chief Economist of the Sustainable Development Practice Group, 6/13/23
Conference Speaker, The effects of bonus pay when working in a team; evidence from strawberry pickers in the field, Joint Initiative for Latin American Experimental Economics (JILAEE), 2/3/22
Seminar Speaker, The effects of bonus pay when working in a team; evidence from strawberry pickers in the field. Centre for Environmental and Resource Economics (CERE), 10/13/21
Conference Speaker, Revealing Group Choices: the Demand for Index Insurance, Experimental Economics Association, Los Angeles, California, 10/10/19
Conference Speaker, Revealing Group Choices: the Demand for Index Insurance, Advances in Field Experiments, Chicago, Illinois, 9/19
Conference Speaker, Group Heterogeneity and the Demand for Index Insurance, Experimental Economics Association, Dijon, France, 9/19
Speaker, Learning Digitally via Mediated Farmer Edutainment in India. French Association for Environmental and Resource Economics, Axes-en-Provence, France, 09/30/18
Seminar Speaker, Learning Digitally via Mediated Farmer Edutainment in India. University of Montpelier, France, 09/28/18
Seminar Speaker, A Generalized Ridge Regression Using an Iterative Solution: the Inverse Problem in Regression Analysis with a Stopping Rule, New York University, Applied Statistics, PRIISM. Slides, New York, NY 12/6/16
Workshop Speaker, From RCT’s to A/B: Choosing Lean Methods for Evaluation, Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning in Development, FHI360, Washington DC, 10/3/16
Speaker, It's Raining, it's Pouring? A Web and SMS Application in Flask and Twilio to call Farmers, Pygotham, New York, New York, 7/16/16
Seminar Speaker, Learning Digitally: Evaluating the Impact of Farmer Training via Mediated Videos, Paris School of Economics, Paris, France, 4/15/16
Conference Speaker, Towards a Deeper Understanding of Female Competitiveness and the Gender Gap: Evidence from Patrilocal and Matrilocal Cultures, CSAE Conference 2016: Economic Development in Africa, St Catherine's College, Oxford University, 3/20/16
Chair of Networks Session, and Presenter, Informal Networks within Index Insurance: Randomizing Social Distance in Group Insurance, at SEEDEC Choice Lab, Norwegian School of Economics, Bergen, Norway, 12/2015
Speaker, Tech, Development Economics, and Experiment Design at, Reboot, New York, New York, 11/11/15
Speaker, An Iterative Approach to Inverse Problems using Python's NumPy, Pydata, New York Academy of Medicine, New York, New York, 11/11/15
Conference Speaker, Learning Digitally: Evaluating the Impact of Farmer Training via Mediated Videos, Northest Universities Development Consortium, Providence, Rhode Island, 11/8/15
Conference Speaker, North-American Economic Science Association, Motherhood, Sisterhood and Adolescence: Is Competitiveness Socialized? Economics Science Association, Dallas, Texas, 10/24/15
Speaker, An Iterative Approach to Inverse Problems using Python's Numpy, Video Pygotham, New York NY 8/15/15
Seminar Speaker, As Good as the Networks They Keep? Mechanisms of Information Exchange in Social Networks in Rural Uganda, Microsoft Research New York, New York 2015, 8/15
Speaker, Networks and Sustainable Development, Pint of Science, New York NY, 5/18/15
Conference Speaker, As Good as the Networks They Keep? Mechanisms of Information Exchange in Social Networks in Rural Uganda, CSAE Conference 2015: Economic Development in Africa, St Catherine's College, Oxford University, 3/24/15
Seminar Speaker, Informal Networks within Index Insurance: Randomizing Social Distance in Group Insurance, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), The French National Institute for Agricultural Research UMR LAMETA, Montpellier, France, 12/19/14
Seminar Speaker, As Good as the Networks They Keep? Mechanisms of Information Exchange in Social Networks in Rural Uganda, Paris Environmental and Economics Seminar, Universite Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne, Paris, France, 11/6/14
Conference Speaker, Mothers, Daugthers and Sisters, Is Competitiveness Socialized? at The Choice Lab, Norwegian School of Economics, Bergen, Norway, 10/2014
Mediator and Organizer, Postdoctoral Data Science Panel at Columbia University, with Kathy Copic, Columbia Medical Center, New York, New York, 9/17/14
Speaker, The Power of Power; Pitfalls in Experimental Research Design, at the Data Gotham conference, at the New York Academy of Medicine, New York, New York, 9/26/2013
Conference Speaker, The Effects of School Quality on Fertility in a Transition Economy, at the Midwest International Economic Development Conference Minneapolis, MN, 5/2009
Conference Speaker, The Effects of School Quality on Fertility in a Transition Economy, at the Population Association of America (PAA) Detroit, MI, 5/2009
Seminar Speaker, DYNARE: Bayesian Estimation in Matlab, at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, New York, 4/2005
Seminar Speaker, Єдиний економічний простір (Single Economic Space), at the Shevchenko Scientific Society, New York, New York, 1/2004